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Black Sky

Over a year ago, I compiled a list of ten of my most wanted bucket list items. Thirteen months later and I haven’t yet checked any off. I have started on item number 5...


A Seat at the Table

The United Nations was formed under charter in 1945 and it’s Security Council took its first session a year later. The United Nations as a whole was formed in response to the inadequacies of...


Decision 2014: Politics, Pistorious or Pikelets?

I can’t get away from politics today. I am still a registered voter in New Zealand. Surprise, surprise! Thanks to passing through immigration last year for my sister’s wedding, I am still a Ponsonby...


Scotland the Bold

There is an important date coming up this month for all New Zealanders. No it’s not the date of the General Election. That’s the 20th of September.  No, it’s sooner than that. The date...


The Year Punk Broke

I’ll get straight to the year in question. It was 1991 and according to the title above quoting a rockumentary film of the same name, this series of European concerts by a group of...


They’re Just Children’s Stories

After recently being asked “Do you read much?” my initial reaction was to take insult. In truth there has been little traditional reading lately. You know, the kind where a book lives on your...