Category: Politics


Decision 2014: Politics, Pistorious or Pikelets?

I can’t get away from politics today. I am still a registered voter in New Zealand. Surprise, surprise! Thanks to passing through immigration last year for my sister’s wedding, I am still a Ponsonby...


Scotland the Bold

There is an important date coming up this month for all New Zealanders. No it’s not the date of the General Election. That’s the 20th of September.  No, it’s sooner than that. The date...


Life Begins at 40

If you are a lady that lives in Monaco you can expect to live for 89 years. If you are a Sierra Leone national, you can expect to live for 48 years. That difference...


Every Man and His Blog

Blogs are a dime a dozen. I don’t mind saying that at all. Even mine is a particularly shiny needle in a continent-sized haystack. But even my tiny outlet has some reach. Why only...



I’ve never felt that growing up in New Zealand distanced me from affairs of an international nature. When the Apartheid-era was near an end and Nelson  Mandela still imprisoned, the political system in South...


The Invasion of Rugby Park

I have been reminded of an anniversary and who do I have to thank for this reminder? The victorious Waikato Chiefs. You see before it was logically named Waikato Stadium, the Chiefs home ground...