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The Rugby Blanket – Acknowledgements. 3

The Rugby Blanket – Acknowledgements.

I’ve come up with a novel idea. Not an idea for a novel but an original way of thanking and/or acknowledging everyone involved or mentioned in a book. In the world of paper publishing...

In Solitary 0

In Solitary

I am finally on Kindle! It’s a big deal in a way. I know that some old fusty and dusty literary agents would equate this to ‘Vanity Publishing’ (self-publishing) but I don’t really care....

The Rewrite. 2

The Rewrite.

As a relative novice the term ‘Rewrite’ sounded quite horrific when I first heard it. It was spoken as if a writer took a perfectly good story and completely changed it. That is how...

Elders and Betters. 4

Elders and Betters.

When I left New Zealand more than ten years ago I left with something not knowing its true value. That something was the relationship I had built with my grandparents. You see I am...

‘The Rugby Blanket’ …an update. 1

‘The Rugby Blanket’ …an update.

When blogging I’ve spent most of my time trying to find some topic to comment on or some tip that I have picked up during my time writing. Recently, with little time, I haven’t...

“Only a Tramp” by Nora Toye 7

“Only a Tramp” by Nora Toye

I have been given permission to reproduce a 500 word submission to the Auckland Star which was written by my maternal grandmother some eighty four years ago. This year marks the century of Nora...

What’s in a Name? 13

What’s in a Name?

My lack of posting is fairly embarrassing, however I’ve good reason. I’m a changed man. I left for a fishing weekend to County Cork as a young and spritely thirty-something Kerry Muir. I have...

The “Indie” 500. 0

The “Indie” 500.

The attention that I give to my writing is intense but it occurs within set small windows of time. Having children around dictates this to a large degree. For example, I will probably give...

Killing the Protagonist 0

Killing the Protagonist

Warning: Spoiler’ish and a tad dark. So I would be willing to guess most writers have no trouble ‘killing’ in their work. Whether that be secondary or lesser characters or whether the antagonist gets...