Category: Ireland


Where the Hell Have I Been?

I was looking at my last post and noted it was the 8th of February. That’s 3 and a half months ago. The image for that post was completely appropriate with the New Zealand...


A Seat at the Table

The United Nations was formed under charter in 1945 and it’s Security Council took its first session a year later. The United Nations as a whole was formed in response to the inadequacies of...


Moving Out

Well now, that move wasn’t as easy as I thought. I am now staying at the in-laws’ pad. And while this is a great place rest up while the kids finish their school year,...


Happy Celtic New Year!!!

I used to think Halloween was an American holiday. And who could blame me.  If movies and television were to be believed in my youth, then it was a festivity taken very seriously in...

Russian Winter 2

Russian Winter

What is the opposite of an Indian Summer? That seems to be what Ireland is experencing at the moment. While I’ll admit that these are temperate climes and the likes of Canada and Russia...