Tagged: Culture


Nirvana – Just how big were they?

It’s been twenty years…that’s right I’m starting another piece with a retrospective. Do I permanently live in the past? Probably. Everything in my wardrobe feels like it’s from twenty years ago. I still listen...


All-Time Top 10: Bucket List Items.

‘Number one –  End poverty, Number Two – Get knighthood, Number three – Marry a TV Presenter, Number Four’…I’m quoting Bob Geldof’s bucket list here not mine. He has been having trouble ending third...


The Seven Year Itch

I’ve always liked the number ‘7’. Not as much as the number ‘2’ (which is my lucky number) but seven is up there in the world of single digits. When I was seven I...

Back to School 0

Back to School

Today marks the beginning of ‘Back to School’ for everyone in my house. Hazel’s first day as a ‘senior infant’ started today without a hitch and on Monday, Zoe goes back to Montessori. Who...

All-Time Top 10: Movies That Scared Me 0

All-Time Top 10: Movies That Scared Me

When I wrote the Fear Factory entry I focused on fears caused by watching a movie and the idea that the strong visuals we experience whether they be real or on television stay with...


The Invasion of Rugby Park

I have been reminded of an anniversary and who do I have to thank for this reminder? The victorious Waikato Chiefs. You see before it was logically named Waikato Stadium, the Chiefs home ground...

The National Game 3

The National Game

‘Weeeeee are the Champions my Friends!!!’ sung the late great Freddie Mercury. Actually that’s not a song I can sing right now.  All of my teams, excluding the All Blacks, are not quite there....

Wax On / Wax Off 2

Wax On / Wax Off

Much alike my Russian Winter blog entry from last year I again find myself confronted with a huge list of tasks to complete before I can sink my teeth into my next writing project....

The Hasselhoff Channel 0

The Hasselhoff Channel

As a child of the eighties I’m just going to keep coming at you with these nostalgic digressions. By no means do these posts suggest I think life was better then. Perhaps it was...

One Night in Pyongyang 0

One Night in Pyongyang

I always find myself on the wrong side of a debate. No I’m not talking about quarrels with the wife or even explaining to the kids every single morning why it’s important to go...