Tagged: Culture


Run For Your Life

I love to run but I have no desire to run a Marathon. Why is that? What separates those of us that are happy to do ten kilometres or less with those that just...


Sink or Swim

According to the CIA, New Zealand has the ninth longest coastline in the world. This might be true but there is another list (World Resources Institute) that has us at seventeenth. I’ll take that...


The Real Reds

If you do not like sport, please avert your eyes… In The Rugby Blanket I wrote about the ending of a ‘quarter of a century’ long curse. But that’s not exactly right. It was...


Quitting v Giving Up

This sounds like it’s going to be quite a negative post but it’s quite the opposite. I’ve always thought about these two phrases and their connotations. If a person is retirement age and they...


All-Time Top 10: Comic Book Heroes

Now that I’m a ‘serious’ writer I’m not supposed to talk about pop culture and the 80’s and celebrity gossip and the like. No, it’s all high-art for me. None of that cheddar and...


Get it Down Your Nek

Once a upon a time there was a man from Christchurch who performed a kegstand for 43 seconds and died shortly afterwards. I know it starts like a fairy tale but it is in...


All-Time Top 10: National Flags

So which came first the chicken or the egg? Surely it was the egg because you can’t get those cute little fluffy baby chicks without first hatching them from eggs. Oh hang on, who...


Happy Celtic New Year!!!

I used to think Halloween was an American holiday. And who could blame me.  If movies and television were to be believed in my youth, then it was a festivity taken very seriously in...


The Rise and Rise of Redneck TV

I don’t watch a lot of television these days. There was a time when I watched an unnatural amount of television but that was when I was a kid with an animation addiction. As...


All-Time Top 10: Sporting Chokes

See what I did there. I published this before I have to add possibly the biggest sporting choke of all time to the number one position. The event in question is due to occur...