K.D Muir’s Science & Nature Quiz
After being outed as a space nerd in last week’s Hadfield’s in Space entry, it’s only right that I follow up with an equally nerdy quiz on Science and Nature. Ah yes, the green slice of the Trivial Pursuit pie. It’s one of the least popular slices but for those of us that wonder how rainbows are formed and why the sky is blue, science helps to unravel mysteries. While I understand that most people just want to look at blue skies and rainbows, I want questions answered.
Don’t panic, I won’t ask you how rainbows are formed but for a laugh I will ask you why the sky is blue. I don’t expect ten out of ten because I wouldn’t get ten out of ten. Chris Hadfield might get ten out of ten but that’s because he’s seen blue skies and rainbows from above and below. You could say he knows them inside and out.
As for my previous quizzes, some may have noticed I haven’t put up any answers and are probably wondering if I know the answers at all. It does for all the world look as though I’m leading you on a merry dance. So for those who are disillusioned doubting Thomases, I will strive to put the answers up in June.
Anyway It’s a long weekend approaching and as such I have a less than serious approach to my entry. I would never expect anyone to answer science and nature questions on a weekend. What a waste that would be. But as soon as Tuesday rolls around I want to see logical, astute and well-rounded answers. Good Luck and Good Night.
- What is the brightest star in the night sky?
- What is the largest fish in the world?
- What is the chemical symbol for Unununium?
- How old is the Earth?
- What is the unit for measuring the amplitude of a sound?
- Why is the sky blue?
- What is the longest bone in the human body?
- What is the igneous rock that makes up the hexagonal columns at the Giant’s Causeway?
- In Vulcanisation, natural rubber is heated with which element?
- Dry Ice is made from which gas?
Bonus: What is another name for the C14 method?
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