K.D. Muir’s Geography Quiz

The Canadians invented Trivial Pursuit. It’s probably my favourite board game but if I had a gripe I would say it’s a disappointingly named game. The word Trivia for a start is a tad harsh. The winner of this game usually has a good general knowledge but having a good general knowledge is not something to be sniffed at.

In my last entry I stated that detailed research could hinder your progress in the early stages of writing but by the same token a good base of general knowledge can keep you going. You may well know a fact but it has been filed away so long you are not sure. Wrap some [square brackets] around it and come back to it. A good general knowledge will help you write in more than one genre and potentially appeal to a wider number of readers.

Time to earn the blue piece of the pie…

It doesn’t matter whether the subject is history or science, entertainment or sports, a base knowledge helps to add depth to your characters and in turn can convey a believability to the reader. Because of this I am going to start posting up quizzes so that the minds of any readers out there remain finely tuned. First I will offer up ten questions on my favourite subject of all time – geography. Feel free to answer any questions you like in the comments section. I will post the answers in the comment section in a week’s time. Before you go Google the answer you may well know one or two or even all ten. And if you have to Google, commit them to memory and impress someone with an obscure geography factoid.

Remember nothing is trivial…every little fact you hear is relevant to someone out there:

  1. The island of Socotra belongs to which Country?
  2. What is the largest lake in South America?
  3. What is the capital of Burkina Faso?
  4. Which country contains the most lakes?
  5. What is the deepest trench in the Atlantic Ocean?
  6. What is the Capital of Singapore?
  7. Which country has the longest coastline?
  8. Which country receives the most tourists each year?
  9. Name the most Northerly/Southerly/Easterly and Westerly states in the U.S.
  10. Where is Zealand(country name will do)?


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2 Responses

  1. Janet says:

    Ooh tricky questions. Think I know no.3, no.5 and no.10. Not going to put my answers up here in case I embarrass myself!

  2. kezzam says:

    Answers up now!!

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