Tagged: Nostalgia

One Wedding and a Funeral 0

One Wedding and a Funeral

We arrived in New Zealand frayed and thread bare. Of all the trans-global flights i have taken this was me at the end of my tether. The newborn had decided to create a lethal nappy...

Six Boats, Two of them Sisters. 8

Six Boats, Two of them Sisters.

So the Titanic has just reached a century sunk and it got me pondering all things maritime in recent days. I’ve always been interested in feats of engineering and at the time Titanic was...

Fear Factory 23

Fear Factory

I now turn my attention to fear and the fears of others. Certainly not just my own fears because I don’t particularly subscribe to many. Do I have them? No doubt. Most I would...

Class of ’86 1

Class of ’86

I received an email not long ago asking for stories and fond memories from my old primary school on Waiheke Island – Te Huruhi School. This year Te Huruhi celebrates it’s 25th Jubilee. Although...

The Age of Memory 1

The Age of Memory

I’ve recently hounded both my parents to provide their take on an incident in 1981. I was five years old at the time and although I have lasting memories from that age, a clear...

Fiction v Non-Fiction 4

Fiction v Non-Fiction

So two unpublished tomes and I’m currently trying my hand at non-fiction. 15,000 words in and it just seems easier than writing fiction. The most notable difference is the flow in the process. As...

Genesis – a small beginning. 5

Genesis – a small beginning.

No big bang, no serenade…just my first post… My name is Kerry Muir and I’m a Hiberno-Antipodean writer with all the ideas in the world and no time to write them. Unlike other writers...